
Executive & Management Business Training

The below training individual and package courses include materials, course room access or accountability partner coordination, supervision, quality control zoom consultations, business tools, checklists, and on site in-person consultations. Based in part on the works of L. Ron Hubbard.

We Have Real World Experience

Our team of owners, executives, managers and staff have a massive amount of real world experience.

Together we have built and run numerous companies such as accounting firms, metal salvage, digital marketing, telecommunications, nutrition, home improvement, advanced software applications, real estate development, aircraft sales, etc.

This experience – along with our basic to advanced training technologies – allow us to create a tailor made program for you or your company.

Whether you simply wish to increase your sales closing ratios or perhaps expand your company to new heights, we can help.

We look forward to meeting with you soon. – Keanan

Ethical Team Building

Create an Ethical Dream Team That Can Easily Obtain Your Goals & Dreams!

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$2,000 per course or $11,200 for entire package

Includes 7 Courses: Improving Business Through Communication | How to Get Along With Others | Ups & Downs in Life |

Personal Values & Integrity | Ethics for Business Survival | How to Get Along With Others | How to Evaluate and Predict Human Behavior

Efficiency Leadership Package

Create Company Leaders That Make Your Life Easier

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$3,000 per course or $24,000 for entire package

Includes 10 Courses: Admin Scale | Emotions in the Workplace Workshop | How to Effectively Handle Work | How to Get Things Done | Executive Basics | Executive Leadership | Emotions in the Workplace Workshop | Executive Basics | Effective Leadership | Basic Organization | How to Write Effective Company Policy

Administrative Competence

Gain the Ability to easily spot and remove ALL the Barriers to your Dreams!

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$2,000 per course or $6,400 for entire package

Includes 4 Courses: How to Plan and Attain Your Goals | Overcoming the Stresses of Work and Life |

The Cures to 15 Administrative Nightmares that Could Cost You Your Power and Prosperity | Intro to Financial Success

Master Art of Income Control Package

A Team that Can Expand Income & Reserves to Any Level Desired!

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$2,000 per course or $8,000 for entire package

Includes 5 Courses: Going Up in a Down Economy | Management by Statistics | Formulas for Business Success |

How to Increase Efficiency in Your Company | How to Increase Profits Through Proper Financial Planning

Marketing & Sales Mastery

Become a 12th Degree Ninja Marketing & Sales Warrior!

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$4,000 per course or $12,800 for entire package

Includes 4 Training Courses: Master Closers Course | Market Research Made Easy |

Professional Public Relations, How to be Seen, Heard & Loved | Total Marketing Mastery

The Buck Stops Here Package

Achieve Your Business Goals & Easily Control, Run & Operate Your Business

With Minimal Effort from a Distance…

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$5,000 per course or $16,000 for entire package

Includes 4 Upper Level Courses: Winning in the Game of Life | CEO Course Level 1 | CEO Course Level 2 | CEO Course Level 3

Some of What You Will Learn, With Our Master Closers Course:

·      The 29 most important terms and definitions in sales

·      The ONE selling key that, if skipped, will lose the sale every time

·      The 7 steps of selling that will always result in a sale

·      What most salespeople do that secretly kills the sale

·      How you find out what’s going on inside your prospect’s mind